No Room for Objections: 5 Misconceptions About Disaster Recovery

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It’s just the start of a new beginning! The financial year will also end up after a couple of months. So, I assume entrepreneurs are busy in preparing their budget cycle for 2017. All of you must be engaged in deciding where to invest, which technologies deliver maximum ROI with minimum investment, how to improve, optimize and automate business processes, and much more.

While searching for answers to the above questions, you might be going through several IT plans and resolutions. We would like to help you a bit by drawing your attention towards Disaster Recovery. Interacting with the clients on Disaster Recovery, we found that organizations avoid adopting DR due to few misconceptions.

Being an AWS Certified Consulting Partner, Intuz team has a thorough understanding of DR and its importance for the security of an organization’s IT infrastructure. Let’s work together to overcome from rootless illusions of disaster recovery and gain seamless business continuity.

5 Misconceptions About DR

Having Backup System In-place

There is no point in comparing DR with backup systems. Both are completely different. When disaster strikes, backup systems take days or hours to recover your data. However, DRaaS restores the data in minutes or seconds in a highly automated fashion. DR systems are tested in advanced, so whenever the disaster occurs, the infrastructure can be recovered quickly through a fully tested and proven failover system.

DR Costs a Lot

Usually, businesses are under the impression that DR is a burden on their budget. They assume DR as secondary data centers with HVAC, second copies of all servers, as well as a space to store the data and manage the IT networks. Additionally, businesses believe that DR systems sit idle until the disaster strikes. So, along with set up and installation, they have to bear the maintenance cost.

Due to advanced innovations, DR facilitates organizations with several other cutting-edge options without sacrificing recoverability of IT systems. Cloud-based disaster recovery is termed as Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). It enables businesses failover of virtual machine to secure cloud locations.

When it comes to cost, DR charges as per your usage. It offers an on-demand pricing model, so the costs are remarkably low. DRaaS allows organizations to take advantage of high-end security and compliance within the cloud platform without compromising the ability to failover in a time of need. Instead of building and managing a secondary data center, adoption of DRaaS is quite cost effective.

No Scopes for Natural Disaster

You might argue, your geographical location facilitates you with good weather all the time. There are rare chances for any natural disaster. Here, the word “Disaster” doesn’t just refer to natural calamities; it can be caused due to human errors as well.

If you analyze, most of the outages are the result of human error or malicious attacks. Organizations are also susceptible to upgrade problems, bad coding, and power outages. All such circumstances are out of IT team’s control. Using the robust DR plans offered by market leaders like AWS, you can easily recover the IT infrastructure when the inevitable happens.

We Don’t Have Outages

It seems quite unrealistic that an organization hasn’t experienced any outage ever. Generally, small outages are ignored by the companies. But, over the course of a week, a month and a year, it affects the downtime severely. This will end up by adding unplanned expense in your budget. Moreover, downtime creates a negative impact on company’s reputation, employee productivity, and customer loyalty.

Rather than avoiding the outages, organizations have to plan out effective and reliable DR strategy. It helps them in managing the data securely during/after outages, maintenance windows, attacks, patch and upgrade problems, etc.

Little Downtime Is Easy-to-Manage

Few businesses are quite sure about managing a few minutes of downtime. Some of the organizations argue that they don’t have many consumer-facing applications, so they are fine with a little bit downtime.

Downtime affects your revenue profoundly. The millennials are asking for instant access to everything. Therefore, organizations who run their business through online platform have to be ready to bare a considerable revenue loss as a result of downtime.

People are more sensitive to an interruption in the service. If your application or software or website takes a few minutes for downloading, they will leave the respective platform immediately. Because of the bad experience, users will never come back again on your website or application. It directly reduces customer loyalty and business ROI.

Intuz has a team of AWS Certified Professionals who help small to large scale organizations in creating smart disaster recovery strategies in order to achieve advanced security for their IT infrastructure. Following AWS guidelines for DR planning, we assure businesses about the safety of data or application, omit data loss and high-level availability for solutions.

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